2024 Stewardship Campaign - week 4 - Children, Youth & Family

Let Us [Continue to] Build...a vibrant, welcoming, and purposeful Children, Youth & Family Ministry. Light of Christ has always been a place that recognizes CYF Ministry to be a cornerstone of who we are. Jesus said, "Let the children come to me...", and that's just what we seek to do. It is our calling and our joy to do everything we can to create a safe, nurturing, empowering place of faith for our kids and families. All of this takes a significant commitment of our time, treasure and talents. We have a stretch in front of us. Will you help us in meeting these important ministry goals? Can you join in the endeavor to increase our resources/giving so that we can build on this foundation? Will you help us to connect even more kids and families? Might you make a pledge for this ministry we all share?

A dollar a day more. For each of our households. That's what we've identified that will have our resources meet our ministry needs. And yet, for some of us, a larger gift or pledge is possible. Might you pray about where the Spirit leads you? Might you step out in stretching your faith? Together we can position ourselves for this next important chapter of LOC's ministry as we celebrate and experience all of what God is blessing us with.

What is your special moment or memory or experience? Where has our or another faith community's children, youth and family ministry blessed you? How has your faith been shaped because of CYF's priority within a church's ministry? How or where have you experienced this as a living stone or building block of your faith? Share this on a paper "stone" so that we can add it to our banner in the narthex.  Together we invite God to use us as the Spirit builds a house where love can dwell!


Living Stones....the foundations of our church. You have shared so many rich memories and experiences of where ministry has made a big difference in your life and your faith. Please click here and scroll to the Stewardship Campaign for 2024 article to read each week’s experiences and moments shared that made a difference.


Together we are on an amazing journey of seeing how God uses us as living stones, being made into a spiritual house of faith, hope and love. While we each enjoy the blessings of our church, many do not have a place of belonging, a church community where they can experience the hope of the Gospel, a place to grow in their own faith, a mission to be a part of, a church family of their own. Help us to grow this cherished ministry by making a financial pledge for 2024 mission and ministry. You will be blessed as you are a blessing! Making a pledge will help us to plan for next year's ministry.

Please take time to read the comments and memories of our church family on the banners hanging in the narthex. And add more as you might like!

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