Committees at Light of Christ

Committees are the heart and soul of Light of Christ. Lay leadership within committees allows for members to make their own mark in this community. Each committee functions differently but all come together to give this congregation life, energy, and new goals.

Light of Christ's Council is made up of elected members of the congregation. Each serve a three-year term, and are responsible for the general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation. Council's priority is to create and develop long-term goals that put Light of Christ's ministry and service at the focus. Members meet once a month, and participate in an annual council retreat. Responsibilities also include, but are not limited to, financial & property matters and annual budget review. Meets monthly on the third Monday at 6:30pm in The Living Room.

The Columbarium Committee has been working diligently planning for the creation of a Columbarium and Memorial Garden at Light Christ. 

Stay tuned to the What's Happening page to get the latest updates on the planning. Please click on this video link to view information on the plans to date. Please click on this brochure link for more information.

Current members are Ann Bassett, Amy Bigot, Sharon McKisson, Tom & Sharon Sebelien, Bob Slipka, Bill Weis, and Pastor Bruce


Responsible for the education programs of children 3 year-olds through grade 6 including Explorers, Voyagers, Pathfinders, and Vacation Bible School. Meets monthly on the first Tuesday at 7:00 pm.

Responsible for initiating and stimulating the fellowship life of the congregation. Committee helps with summer potluck, Rally Sunday, Youth Spaghetti Dinner, Donut Sundays, and more. Meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 6:30pm.

The Endowment Fund Committee helps Light of Christ members or couples make either a legacy gift through estate planning or a major gift at any point that fits their financial life. Planning what will happen to assets at the end of life allows members to make an impact and leave a legacy for the future.
As members contribute gifts and estate proceeds, the growing Endowment Fund uses investment income to fund grants. These are awarded to ministry projects within Light of Christ, the local Delano community, and ELCA projects throughout the U.S. and world. Check out the Frequently Asked Questions on the Give [] page.

Assists the Financial Administrator and the Council and oversees the church finances. Meets as needed.

The Healing and Wholeness Ministry was created in 2019 in response to our Congregational MAP Survey, with the purpose of leading our LOC family to be a healing presence for one another and our community. Our goal has been to reflect Christ's love and care through bringing awareness, education, prayer and support to those in our congregation experiencing mental illness, loneliness, grief and brokenness. Our focus has been expanded toward the increasing concern for the mental well-being of our youth.

Examples of our committee’s efforts include: writing Caring Corner articles for the Beacon newsletter, building accessible resources on our webpage, working with Pastors toward inclusion of mental health and prayer concerns during worship, created “OWLS” (Older Wiser Lutherans) group to encourage genuine friendship and caring and combat loneliness, “Walk-a-Mile-in-My-Shoes" annual event to bring awareness and combat the stigma connected with mental illness, sending Caring Cards to people during difficult times or celebration, plan speaker/educational events. 

Organizes the collection and catalog items into specific areas of interest in the church library. Meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 11am in the Library.

Responsible for evangelism and outreach to members. Encourage individual and congregational witness to the gospel in the community and world. Organize and carry out projects aimed at helping those less fortunate in our community and globally.  A few examples are year-round collection of food & personal care items for Helping Hands Food Shelf and Love, INC,  School Supplies drive, Christmas Sharing, Birthday Ministry, Buck-A-Chick and Chile missionary Karen Anderson. Karen Anderson founded and directed EPES, Educación Popular en Salud (Popular Education for Health), more information can be found on the EPES website.

This committee meets monthly on the first Tuesday at 6:30pm.

Responsible for affirming and strengthening the mission of the congregation and the ministry of the called staff.   Also provide the pastor his annual performance evaluation, passing along that information to the church council. Meets as needed.

Supports the council and church committees in hiring staff and other HR activities Meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 7pm.

Oversees the care and maintenance of the church property. Organizes biannual church clean up days. Meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 6:30pm.

Promotes the Christian discipline of stewardship by helping members grow in their relationship with Jesus through the use of the time, talents and finances God has entrusted to them.  We work to educate the church on the ministries their gift support, methods for giving, organizing the annual stewardship campaign & connecting fundraising activities to principles of stewardship. Meets monthly on the second Monday at 6:30pm.

Create opportunities for members of Light of Christ to gather together with fellow members and other Christians in the Delano area in a small group setting.  Help decide what Bible Studies to use in Sunday Morning Adult Education. Meets as needed.

Organizes prayer vigils, speakers, book club readings, and partnerships that enable Light of Christ to engage in social justice ministry within Delano and the greater Minnesota metro area.

Provides vision and oversight to the worship and music ministry of this congregation. This committee is responsible for assisting the music director with:

  • The general planning of seasonal worship, themes, liturgy, and music
  • Recruiting ushers, communion assistants, lectors, greeters, and other volunteers involved in worship
  • Special projects the music director may need assistance with

Vision, plan and implement the ministries for youth and families in grades 7-12 (and post-HS youth). This team meets quarterly on Sunday evenings from 6-8 pm.