Call Committee

Call Committee Members

Cheri Ashfeld

  • Member since 2004
  • Currently serving on Library Committee, Soundboard Team, and Prayer Chain
  • Has served on Nominating Committee and Stewardship Committee
  • Married to Lee

Mike Boyack

  • Member since 2011
  • Currently serving on Church Council
  • Has served on Property Committee, as Sunday School teacher and Vacation Bible School helper
  • Married to Rachel; father to Cora (12) and Ailsa (9)

Billie Chock

  • Member since 2013
  • Currently serving on Church Council and Technology Team
  • Has served as Sunday School teacher and Mission Trip chaperone
  • Married to Ken; mother to Ellie (16) and Danny (14)

Rhonda Current

  • Member since 2010
  • Currently serving on Personnel Committee and Transition Team
  • Has served on Worship & Music Committee
  • Married to Tim; mother of two grown daughters

Sophia Grant

  • Member since 2007
  • Attended Sunday School
  • Confirmed in 2023
  • Attended Mission Trips in 2021, 2022, 2023

Paul Ludwig

  • Member since 2005
  • Currently serving on Mutual Ministry Committee
  • Has served on Technology Committee and Worship & Music Committee
  • Married to Marcie; father to Braelyn (9) and Beckett (8)

Erin Olson

  • Member since 2015
  • Currently serving as Explorers leader
  • Married to Kevin; mother to Charlotte (7) and Emmie (4)

Pat Czock, first alternate

  • Member since 1998
  • Currently serving on Stewardship Committee
  • Has served on Youth Committee and service group, and as Confirmation guide
  • Mother and stepmother to five grown children

Natasha Werner, second alternate

  • Member since 2018
  • Currently serving on Church Council
  • Has served as Confirmation guide
  • Married to Jeremiah; mother of Ava (15) and Mya (15)

Call Committee Updates

The Call Committee would like to provide an update on our search for our next Pastor. The Call Committee had narrowed our list of candidates to two finalists. At this time, both of those candidates have withdrawn.
The Call Committee and Church Council will continue to provide updates to the congregation as appropriate. The next two Sundays, May 12th and 19th, a member from the Call Committee and Church Council will be providing a brief update as well during the services. In the meantime, we ask for your continued prayers for wisdom and guidance as we continue our work to find the best candidate to lead our congregation forward.
Thank you for your patience and support.
The Call Committee

The Call Committee is pleased to provide an update on our search for our next Pastor. We recently concluded the first round of interviews with five highly qualified candidates who expressed interest in serving our congregation.

We were very impressed by the caliber of the candidates we met. Each person brought unique strengths and experiences to the table, and the committee had thoughtful discussions following our interview process.

At this time, we have narrowed our scope of candidates. The committee is carefully reviewing the information gathered during the interviews, visiting the candidates' current churches either in person or virtually, and setting up second-round interviews in mid-April.

We understand your eagerness to learn more about the search process. The Call Committee will continue to provide updates to the congregation monthly or as appropriate.  In the meantime, we kindly ask for your continued prayers for wisdom and guidance as we discern the best candidate to lead our congregation forward.

Thank you for your patience and support.


The Call Committee

We have completed our first big step as the Ministry Site Profile (MSP) was successfully submitted to the Synod. We received very positive feedback from Bishop Ann and want to extend a huge THANK YOU to all those who participated in putting that together or provided input during the congregational  meetings. Now that the MSP is live, we will start to receive candidate names through one of three ways: candidates applying to the open position, the Synod reaching out to candidates who the Synod thinks would be a good fit, and nominations from the LOC congregation. If you wish to nominate a potential candidate to the call committee, please fill out the Nomination Form found HERE. Nomination forms will also be available in the Narthex of the church through January 7th and can be submitted electronically or placed in the offering plate during service.

Next steps in the call process are reviewing potential candidates' resumes and conducting interviews starting in mid to late January.

The Call Committee will continue to provide updates to the congregation on a monthly basis or as appropriate.