Music at Light of Christ

Music is a valued part of our ministry at Light of Christ. There are many opportunities for participation.

Adult Choir
The Adult Choir is open to all from confirmation age students to adults. The choir sings in worship once a month. If you are interested in joining and/or want more information, please contact our Worship and Music Director.

Praise Team
Praise Team is a contemporary music group, including singers, guitars, bass, and percussion. They lead worship twice a month. If you are interested in joining and/or want more information, please contact our Worship and Music Director.

Special Music
If you are a singer or an instrumentalist and would like to use your talents to enhance our worship services, please contact our Worship and Music Director. There are many possibilities: playing your instrument in worship, playing hymn descants, or singing a solo.

Youth Choir
The Youth Choir is open to 3rd-6th grade youth. The group sings in worship 3-4 times a year. Rehearsals take place after Sunday morning worship and occur based on each Sunday performance. If your youth is interested in joining and/or you want more information, contact our Worship and Music Director.

Worship and Music Committee
Committee membership is a great way for non-musicians and musicians alike to be actively involved in the Music Ministry at Light of Christ. Please contact for more information.