Mission Trip 2025 information

We are excited to announce our Mission Trip for 2025!  We will be heading back to Belize to continue our serving there through God's hand. Our dates for the mission trip will be approximately Friday, February 28th/Saturday, March 1st to Saturday, March 8th/Sunday, March 9th. We are looking at booking through Sun Country Airlines group travel. We are not sure about price yet, but [...]

Call Committee Update 5/6/24

The Call Committee would like to provide an update on our search for our next Pastor. The Call Committee had narrowed our list of candidates to two finalists.  At this time, both of those candidates have withdrawn.   The Call Committee and Church Council will continue to provide updates to the congregation as appropriate. The next two Sundays, May 12th and 19th, a member from the Call Committee and Church [...]

Call Committee update 3/11/24

The Call Committee is pleased to provide an update on our search for our next Pastor. We recently concluded the first round of interviews with five highly qualified candidates who expressed interest in serving our congregation. We were very impressed by the caliber of the candidates we met. Each person brought unique strengths and  experiences to the table, and the committee had thoughtful [...]

Appeal Leadership Team formed!

At our Annual Meeting, we voted to move forward with a capital appeal for later in the spring in order to raise funds for our Let Us Build a House initiative. The following are members of our new Appeal Leadership Team:  Laurie Brown, Steven Dickey, Derek Horeis, Lisa Spencer, Tim Johnson and Pastor Bruce. We invite your energies and gifts for a few of our Appeal Support Teams which we're [...]

Call Committee update 12/13/23

We have completed our first big step as the Ministry Site Profile (MSP) was successfully submitted to the Synod. We received very positive feedback from Bishop Ann and want to extend a huge THANK YOU to all those who participated in putting that together or provided input during the congregational  meetings. Now that the MSP is live, we will start to receive candidate names through one of three ways: [...]

Keeping You in the Loop - 12/5/23

Our Facility Task Force met again with the architect/builder, Vanman, to further hone some design and layout ideas for our anticipated improvements to our building. We’re excited to share them with you once there’s some finalization and blessing of our Church Council, so that you can weigh in. Our intent is to have our church facilities support our missional goals of connecting more deeply. A few highlights [...]

Keeping You in the Loop - 11/20/23

Over the past couple of years, we have been sharpening our focus on what matters most for us as a faith community. It’s that God is at work in us and with us, connecting us more deeply to God and to one another. Building a House, a Spiritual House, we’ve envisioned. As Scripture says, “You also as living stones are being built up into a spiritual house.” We’re excited [...]

2024 Stewardship Campaign - week 4 - Children, Youth & Family

Let Us [Continue to] Build...a vibrant, welcoming, and purposeful Children, Youth & Family Ministry. Light of Christ has always been a place that recognizes CYF Ministry to be a cornerstone of who we are. Jesus said, "Let the children come to me...", and that's just what we seek to do. It is our calling and our joy to do everything we can to create a safe, nurturing, empowering place of faith for our [...]

2024 Stewardship Campaign - week 3 - The Lord's House

Let Us Build a House...where love can dwell. This morning we consider the importance of our space, our building, this physical place which is "The Lord's House." St. Paul speaks of us as "living stones being built up into a spiritual house." And while that happens in a variety of ways, it most certainly happens here in a physical house -- the Lord's House -- this place we call Light of [...]

2024 Stewardship Campaign - week 2 - Pastoral Presence

Let Us Build...a house where love can dwell. This is central to what the church is about. Building faith; building community and relationships; building compassion and courage; building love. In fact, all of our ministries are ultimately driven by this calling to build or to build up. Each of you are partners in this building endeavor. You have a role, a contribution, an integral place in this mission. Or, as St. Paul [...]

2024 Stewardship Campaign - week 1 - Worship & Music

What is or has been a special moment for you? In what way has worship or music made a difference in your life? What is that part of the service that really connects with you? What is a special hymn, song, or verse that is meaningful to you? What makes a real difference to you? This week you are invited to fill out a special paper Stone or building block card and submit it in the offering plate, or place it into [...]

2024 Stewardship Campaign

Let Us Build.... As the church we are always in the process of building something...of growing. As the church we seek to build our faith, deepen our relationships, find inspiration in our connection with God, find strength for daily life. Here at Light of Christ we are under the banner for theme that comes from that great hymn, “Let us build a house where love can dwell.” For us to build a house [...]


3976 County Line Road SE,
Delano, MN 55328


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9:30am In-person and livestreaming

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Education Hour

Explorers (previously known as Bible Story Time): Sundays 9:45am (School year)
Adult Education: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 7:45pm (School year)

Contact Us Now

Phone: (763) 972-2400
Email: Terri.Reuter@locdelano.com


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