At our Annual Meeting, we voted to move forward with a capital appeal for later in the spring in order to raise funds for our Let Us Build a House initiative. The following are members of our new Appeal Leadership Team: Laurie Brown, Steven Dickey, Derek Horeis, Lisa Spencer, Tim Johnson and Pastor Bruce.
We invite your energies and gifts for a few of our Appeal Support Teams which we're currently recruiting for. This is a short-term obligation -- only about ten weeks.
The Communications Team will work with our Kairos publications specialist to develop all print materials for the campaign. Think main brochure, postcards, posters, pledge cards, images, mailings, etc. We'll also look closely at other things in this team: print vs. digital. Web. Testimonies. Laurie Brown is heading up this effort.
Spiritual Life will keep things grounded in the spiritual end of things, obviously:) The intent here is to counterbalance, so to speak, practical focus matters of the building/improvements, financial realities, and the like. Help to create focus around prayer, the campaign theme and what that means and how we can experience it (Connecting More Deeply), and the like. A lot of options here. But people who have some interest/passion around this. Could be a member-written devotional book. Lisa Spencer is leading this team.
Lead Gifts Team will likely have as its main focus a kick-off weekend event. Dinner? Off-site? We did this before, and it was very successful. Inviting all leaders plus any/all who have financially been generous to LOC. We'll have a program which will capture the whole appeal's messaging in one event/evening. Inspiring them. Good fellowship. And ask that they consider jump-starting our money-raising efforts. Essentially to make an early or "lead" gift pledge even before we ask the rest of the congregation to do so later in the month. This group will be charged with a bit more than this one event. Also how to create some spice on Sunday mornings. Maybe simply special refreshments. Maybe a Continental Breakfast on the last Sunday of April which will be our Pledge/Celebration Sunday. Steven Dickey and Derek Horeis leading the lead effort.
Worship Team are mostly Pr. Bruce and Katie and perhaps a couple of others, to think through how we can help enliven the theme throughout those four weeks of April. Song, prayers, visuals.
Administration is Terri and crew. Some mailings. Etc. A variety of tasks in helping things get on out into member's hands and devices.
Children, Youth & Family. We want to have the theme and even the invitation to support the fundraising efforts integrated into our CYF's. This won't somehow take too large of a focus in these ministries. But we don't want the appeal to be compartmentalized, and we really want our kids and families to be a part of the effort! How can everyone best experience the theme and invitation to support will be the focus. Kirsten and LaDonna leading efforts here.
Please reach out to any of us. Or direct your inquiries to Tim Johnson at or 952/472-1755. Thank you!
Appeal Leadership Team formed!