Capital Appeal Update

Light of Christ Members/Partners,

We would like to update you on the projects approved from the Capital Appeal. 

With the $194,000 we have pledged over the next three years, the vote supported the following projects:

  • Sanctuary live stream cameras: $6,000
  • Electronic Building Security: $18,000
  • Steeple/Ceiling Repair: $15,000
  • Parking Lot mill & overlay: $71,00
  • Remaining to Fellowship Hall: $84,000

With contributions received through the end of July we have a balance of $59,650 to spend on the approved projects. This allows us to complete the first three priorities. We have been working on the Steeple/Ceiling Repair (as you may have noticed), and we are moving forward on the cameras and security.  We will activate work on the parking lot once we have received the full amount to pay the $71,000. 

As a reminder, the pledges were made over a three year period, so this may take some time. We are hopeful we can complete the parking lot in 2025, and will keep the congregation updated on timing once we know what that will be.

If you still want to pledge or want to increase your pledge, please email the Church Office or fill out a pledge card and drop it in the offering plate.

Thanks for your support!
Your Church Council, Appeal Leadership Team, and Building Committee

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