As the school year comes to a close, so too does our year of Confirmation lessons. This past year, from September through May, our 7th - 9th grade students gathered every Wednesday night to learn more about prayer, the Bible, relationships, and how to live more like Jesus. However, during the Lenten season, the students took a break from regular scheduled lessons to partake in individual service projects!
Our Confirmation program runs on a three year cycle with shifting lessons plans each year and a different type of project for the Lenten season. This year’s project was all about learning to love and serve our neighbors like Jesus did in his lifetime. So, we encouraged our Confirmation youth to go out and serve our surrounding communities the best they can. It was heartwarming to see all the different ways in which our youth were able to use their personal time and talents to serve the less fortunate, sick, and impoverished.
In September of 2018 we had 50 of our Confirmation youth head down to Chanhassen to participate in a Feed My Starving Children event. FMSC is a nonprofit Christian organization with a goal of providing inexpensive, filling meals to children and families around the world. Since 2009, FMSC has sent meals to 97 different countries! This Lenten season we had several students go back to participate with small groups or with their families. This a family-friendly event that is fun and meaningful for all who get involved.
Other youth chose to participate in more local service projects. Other organizations our youth were involved with include LoveINC, Interfaith Outreach & Community Partners, and People Serving People. All of these organizations are catered to providing support and resources to the less-privileged members of our communities. Our Confirmation youth sorted clothes, created health/sanitary packages, and served meals for the impoverished and hungry.
Confirmation is all about transformation for our 7th - 9th grade youth. God’s redemptive love transforms us to be servants to all those in this world who suffer from hunger, malnourishment, lack of social support, poverty, and systemic racism. We are the hands and feet of our wonderful, loving God, and it was amazing to see our Confirmation youth live that out during Lent this year.
David Schneck
Confirmation Lenten Service Projects