Every Voice

We are up and running in our work with Kairos and Associates. We have a Leadership
Team comprised of Amy Bigot, Gina Nee, Kevin Jaunich, Robin Olson, JoMarie Williamson, John
Zerull and me. We’ve met several times already and we’re ready to take the first step which is to
have the congregation take the Missional Assessment Profile (MAP).

The MAP will be available to you to take over the first three weeks of July. You can take
it either electronically or use a paper version. It takes about 15-20 minutes to do. We’d like to
have as many confirmed members of the congregation as possible take the MAP. The MAP will
give us a profile of who, and where, we are as a congregation currently. The more members
who take it the more accurate it will be.

We also want a high percentage of the congregation to take the survey for another
reason. The Church, at its best, is a community in which every voice is heard: not just the loud
ones but the soft ones; not just the big ones but the little ones; not just the old ones but the
young ones; not just the familiar voices but the new voices; not just the powerful voices but the
powerless voices. In this way we will be more like Jesus because he made it a point to listen to
everyone, especially to the voices on the margins of the society. More than that, the Spirit often
speaks today from the margins, from the underside of the society, from the least and last and
lost. Thus, every voice needs to be heard.

I also want to invite you to attend a “Staffing Update Session.” We will hold four of
these sessions: Sunday, June 24th following worship; Wednesday, June 27th at 7:00 PM; Sunday,
July 15th, following worship; and Wednesday, July 18th at 7:00 PM. The sessions are all the same
so you need to attend only one. We’ll hold them in the Fellowship Hall. The purpose of the
sessions is to bring you up-to-date on the current status of our search for a new Children, Youth,
and Family Director, and also for a new Music Director. I’ll bring you up to speed on where
things are at in this transition, and then we will have ample time for Q and A. So please plan to
attend one of these sessions if you can.

Grace and peace always,
Pastor K

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