Here at Light of Christ, we believe that children are integral members of the body of Christ and should be
able to be in worship with their families. Learning how to worship is kind of like learning how to swim--you
can only learn how to swim by getting in the water. We want kids to know how to worship by giving them
space to observe, participate, and experience worship in a new way.
This fall, we hope to introduce a space called a Pray Ground in the front right corner of the Sanctuary,
underneath the screen. This space, an example of which is pictured, is an area geared toward young
children (0-4 years old) and would provide an area for our youngest members to play while also being a part
of the worship service.
Other churches that have created this area in their own Sanctuaries have found great success. They say that
kids pay more attention when they can see what is going on, and they know they are being watched, so
noise level actually decreases! To read more about the installation and result of a current Pray Ground, click
While we will of course continue to have the nursery open for use, we hope to create a Pray Ground in our
own Sanctuary that will allow children to participate in worship with their families according to their needs
and gifts. In order to make that happen, we will be both purchasing and collecting select items to create our
Pray Ground. We will require the following items:
Soft toys
Infant mat
Bouncy seat
Small table and matching child sized chairs
Storage bins for books, toys, and cleaning supplies
If you have something you would like to donate, or if you have a concern or question about this Pray Ground
experiment, please don’t hesitate to contact Rachel or someone on the Children Education Committee.
Children make up an important demographic of our vibrant church, and a Pray Ground will provide our young
ones with a comfortable space to worship and to develop an identity as a child of God that is a valuable
member of our community.
Introducing the Pray Ground Experiment