Dec 09 2021

Faith, Earth, & Living Sustainably Discussion Group

  • 07:00 PM
Everyday there is more disturbing news about the health of our common home – earth. In Genesis we learn that God created the heavens and the earth and saw that it was good. We are called to steward the earth and it seems that we’re failing. The press is good at reporting negative news, but not at what to do about it. So, if you’re confused and don’t know how to become better stewards you are not alone. This discussion group is being formed to give members who want to do more a place to share and learn – not only about the problems, but also about the steps we can each take to live more sustainably while being rooted in faith. 12 Thursday night sessions are planned, ending in January. The discussion group will be led by new Light of Christ member, Paul Nelson. Paul is a trained facilitator and spent his career in the environmental field. To register for the group, email your contact information to the church office.