Beloved Children - a message from the Stewardship Committee

Beloved Children. Yes, that's who we each are...and Children, Youth and Families are also at the heart of our Light of Christ ministry! Your love, prayers, time and financial support help us love kids!  

· Head Start children and families are being blessed here at Light of Christ each and every week.  

· Spark, VBS, Sunday school, Summer camp, Confirmation, First Communion are all ways that our Beloved Children grow in Christ.

This video link shares some wonderful images of the Beloved Children here at LOC:  Beloved_Children_of_God (2).mp4 - Google Drive  


We're all Beloved Children. And as such, we're all gifted with a spirit of generosity, much as most all children are naturally generous. Please help LOC be a place of great blessing on into our 2022 shared ministry by filling out and returning a pledge card. Cards are available in the narthex or church office, or you can complete an online form at this link:


Thank you in advance for partnering in loving and blessing children!


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