Light of Christ Discoveries. In this time of discovery and discernment, a number of things have risen to catch our attention. The MAP--Missional Assessment Profile--revealed that collectively, our number one congregational priority is "To explore new and innovative ways of being the church in today's culture." Two of the other five priorities have to do with growth--that of increasing worship attendance and attracting more members. "Helping members recognize God at work in all aspects of their lives" was the number three priority. And "Advocating to improve the situations of those living in poverty within the (broader) community" was the fourth highest, out of fourteen total priority options.
We also discovered that 83% of those responding feel that in our congregation they are part of something bigger than themselves. And 70% feel a valued part of Light of Christ (21% reported being "on the fence"). And, while 72% believe in the mission of our congregation, only 38% believe that "we have a clear sense of our purpose." The matter of "Embracing Change" reveals that 47% believe that we are willing to take risks to fulfill our mission, and almost 60% see challenges as opportunities to grow.
There is much more to share. But it certainly seems that this process of Discovery and Discernment is the right thing to be doing as a congregation. We are excited as staffing decisions continue to move us forward, and we encourage you to pray for Light of Christ and to be imagining together an exciting and optimistic future for us as a church!
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Discovery and Discernment