3 Days Left to Bid

If you weren't able to attend the online charcuterie event, there is still time to BID BID BID at our online auction this year! Bids are accepted until Saturday, March 19th at 7 pm. You can view items anytime through  this link . There are close to 80 items to bid on, including many great gift certificates, baskets and goodies! Thank you so much for supporting our youth in their faith [...]

Mental Health Awareness: Grief and Loss

Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away. Often, the pain of loss can feel overwhelming. You may experience all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt, and profound sadness. The pain of grief can also disrupt your physical health, making it difficult to sleep, eat, or even think [...]

Table Talks

You're Invited! Yes, we hope that all Light of Christ adult members will participate in one of our upcoming Table Talks. These 60–75-minute gatherings are a chance to connect, share a bit on how we're all doing, reflect upon the past couple of years, and then have some good conversation about the future direction for Light of Christ.   Over the coming many weeks, LOC [...]

Mental Health Awareness: General Treatment for Mental Illness

A quote from Robert Frost: "The best way out is always through." From Brad Stulberg on The Practice of Groundedness:   "You don't need to feel good to get going..... You need to get going to feel good." Oftentimes symptoms of mental illness drag us down so we can't see the forest through the trees.  It's tough to recognize when it's time for help, but [...]

Online Youth Fundraiser – Charcuterie Style!

Join us on Sunday, March 13th for a repeat of the awesome event that we did last year…our online Charcuterie Youth Fundraiser! Our team will prep the charcuterie supplies at church (including meats, cheeses, fruit, olives, chocolate and drinks) and then deliver it to your house the day of the event. We will gather on Zoom at 7:30 pm for a short program put on by the youth (this year they’ll come to you [...]

Mental Health Awareness: Symptoms of Mental Illness

Today I just want to review what mental illness is.  (From A Mental Health Overview published by MyQuietCave.org)   " A mental illness or disorder is a condition what affects a person's thoughts, emotions and behavior.  Mental disorders negatively impact a person's daily life including work, school and relationships." "Mental disorders can be tricky to diagnose and we do [...]

Remembering the 2021 Mission Trip

Thank you to the Denver Service Learn trip participants for sharing their stories in worship yesterday. The trip took place on July 10-17, 2021. Those who participated worked with various inner-city social service agencies and had an incredible week serving, learning and growing together in faith! Youth and leaders who attended the trip were: Claire Arveson, Nick Egly, Sophia Grant, Erin Green, Evalyn Green, Andrew [...]

Celebrating the newly remodeled youth room, "The Living Room"

This Sunday, January 23, we will bless and celebrate the completion of The Living Room. The following people gave generously of their time on the Youth Room Remodel Task Force. This group met bi-weekly for several months in the beginning of 2021 and truly led the process from start to finish! Today we thank all of them for their time, along with so many other volunteers (too many to name!) who made this project a [...]

January Fifth Sunday Offering

Fifth Sunday Offering for January – People Serving People in Minneapolis Our Fifth Sunday offering for January will go to support People Serving People, the largest and most comprehensive emergency shelter for families experiencing homelessness in Minnesota. The 99 hotel-style emergency shelter housing units for children and families experiencing homelessness include a bathroom, beds, basic furniture, [...]

Gifted to Serve

While God could have chosen a variety of ways to bring goodness, faith, hope and love to this hurting world, He chose to be about the heart of that work through the Church —through the sometimes unlikeliness of people like us. As we step into this new year, some things have not changed. There are still hurting people to minister to (and one might argue those numbers are growing), and you and I are uniquely [...]

31 Days, 31 Ways, 2 Pray 4 Families Dealing with Mental Illness

Your Healing and Wholeness Committee wishes you all God's blessings in the New Year!   We're starting out 2022 with a month spent praying together: privately, as a family, and as a congregation. The theme for January will be "31 Days, 31 Ways 2 Pray 4 Families," from author Catherine P. Downing. She writes from her strong base of Christian faith and a mother whose son has a chronic and [...]

Mental Health Awareness: Caring for the Caregiver

Caring for others is a gift of love and sometimes a calling.  We may work in a caring profession as a social worker, medical professional, teacher, counselor, pastor and others.  We all become  caregivers of family members. So often we are caring for so many people at once it can become overwhelming. Or maybe we are caring for someone over the long haul with a chronic or debilitating condition. [...]