Mental Health Awareness: Gratitude and Mental and Physical Health

Gratitude and Mental and Physical Health Our congregation has been talking about gratitude and how important it is to identify those things that for which we are grateful. There is much proven research that has identified how acknowledging gratitude helps our mental and physical health. Showing appreciation and gratitude for the things and people in our lives can help us adapt to change, cope with difficulties, [...]

Generosity Project

Our Generosity Project began by expressing our gratitude to Love INC staff and volunteers. Light of Christ folks brought coffee and morning treats, along with our large signed Thank-You Card from our church. We learned a bit more about their ministry, and we enjoyed some good fellowship together. YOU can help us to thank and bless yet another organization here in the Delano/Wright Co. area as a part of our [...]

Thank you!

Thank you! So far we have received 60 pledges for our 2023 shared ministry. Pledges help in our planning, and pledges are a great way to prioritize our own giving as families and individuals. So, if you haven’t, please consider a weekly or monthly pledge for giving for next year. Pledge cards are in the narthex or you can pledge online under the  Give  tab on our website or at [...]

Fifth Sunday Offering (October 30th) - Birthday Ministry

Light of Christ works in collaboration with Love INC to provide birthday gifts and birthday party supplies to families of children ages 12 and under. Families selected are vetted by Love INC and meet all requirements for assistance. The Light of Christ Birthday Ministry Committee is responsible for securing items needed including gifts, gift bags, wrapping paper, plates, napkins, balloons, cake mix, frosting, etc. [...]

Vision Conversation Groups - You're Invited!

We have spent much of this year listening, praying, deliberating, and considering how Light of Christ might best step into the next few years of ministry together. There are many ways to go, potential goals to set, priorities to pursue. And yet we sense that the Holy Spirit has revealed some important things for us to focus upon.    As a church family we seek your input and reflections on two main areas: [...]

Check out the updates!

We're excited for the "Glow-up" or refresh that is happening in our Fellowship Hall, Narthex and bathrooms. Paint. Some new furniture items. Signage. And the like. Many thanks to Jennifer Grant and others who are helping to make this happen! Please see picture with before, during and after shots of the updates. While the process won't take too long, we invite your patience and prayers while we [...]

Kids Hope USA Update

We are pleased to share that we have 10 volunteers who wish to mentor Delano Elementary students beginning this fall through the school year, one student each for one hour per week. A big thank you to those who have volunteered. We are also contacting LOC prayer partners who provide the prayers that each student and mentor need without having physical contact with the students. LOC and Delano Elementary are very [...]

Columbarium Update August 2022

This past week further construction of our columbarium has taken place. As you can see the initial structure is taking shape! More work to come, including masonry work on the top and sides of each unit and landscaping, which will include perennial gardens, a bubbling rock, benches, and lovely trees and shrubs. There will be opportunities in the coming weeks to purchase memorials through sponsoring some of these [...]

Table Talks Summary

A number of Table Talks were held in the spring at Light of Christ. These were designed as an outreach to all members, recognizing that the past couple of years have been a challenge and that many aren’t as connected as they might like to have been. Many different days and times were offered to the congregation. Checking in with one another, sharing some thoughts and experiences, and dreaming a bit about future [...]

Unmet Needs...What's Hopeful?

What’s at the heart of your organization? Where do you see the most pressing needs/challenges in people’s lives? What has changed in your work in the past two years? How do you best partner with other organizations?   Where are volunteers most needed? How might a faith community like Light of Christ serve or support you? These were some of the questions discussed at Monday [...]

HS Service Trip Prayer Partners

We are looking for at least 20 people that will commit to praying for our HS youth and adult leaders as we head to the North Shore on July 23-29 for our Service Trip. Click here to complete the short form to indicate your interest. Thanks for your partnership in ministry!

Kids Hope USA

Light of Christ has begun partnering with an exciting program called KIDS HOPE USA and with Delano Elementary. LOC members Lisa Spencer and Lona Jose will serve as co-directors of this amazing program. We will be recruiting our church members to be mentors who will provide one hour of mentoring to one child, one day a week at the elementary school during the school year. Delano Elementary staff will be selecting the [...]


3976 County Line Road SE,
Delano, MN 55328


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9:30am In-person and livestreaming

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Education Hour

Explorers (previously known as Bible Story Time): Sundays 9:45am (School year)
Adult Education: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 7:45pm (School year)

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Phone: (763) 972-2400


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