Outreach Opportunities

The Light of Christ Mission/Evangelism Committee would like to continue to promote monetary donations to the Food Shelf (they currently are not taking food donations) and monetary donations for the Sr. Center Meal Program. We are hoping that people will still donate for these much-needed programs in the days ahead. Food Shelf Pack-the-Pews Campaign –  As of Sunday, March 22, Delano Helping Hands [...]

Staying Vibrant Despite the Virus

This last week has been filled with change—rapid and profound change.   We will be posting regular updates on our new Staying Vibrant page and on Facebook as this situation unfolds.  So please check back regularly to stay up-to-date on the latest information. Finally, please don’t hesitate to contact me, or one of our staff members, or a member of the Church Council with any [...]

Christmas Appeal Follow-Up

On behalf of the Church Council and the Stewardship Committee, I am delighted to be able to report that our year-end Christmas Appeal was a smashing success!    We were praying for an additional $25,000 above and beyond our usual, historic giving for December.  You not only met that goal—you exceeded it!  We raised over $35,000 above and beyond our normal December [...]

Welcome Kim Wortz and Catherine Borman!

The Light of Christ Church Council is pleased to announce that Catherine Borman and Kim Wortz have been hired as permanent staff in the Children, Youth & Family Ministry. Catherine will serve as the Family Events Coordinator, and Kim will serve as the Sunday School Coordinator. Feel free to visit our staff page to get to know them a little better. Both terms will become official on January 1, [...]

First Communion Initiative

One of our strategic initiatives in the next several years is to strengthen our worship and music ministry so that our worship services even more transformative than they are now.  One way we are implementing this initiative is by lowering the age of First Communion.       This Fall we will be instructing and communing all of our second through fourth graders, and then in the Spring we [...]

Youth Montana Trip

Grace and Peace to you,     This past week we sent 6 high school boys on a high-adventure trip out to Northwestern Montana. We attended a camp called Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp, located right on the beautiful Flathead Lake. We spent the week kayaking, rock climbing, whitewater rafting, and hiking in Glacier National park. In my opinion, this is some of God’s most beautiful creation. I also [...]

2019 Youth Mission Trip

Howdy everybody!     This past week, we were able to send 9 senior high girls out to Outlaw Ranch in Custer State Park for a week of service. Last year’s Mission Trip brought the Light of Christ youth down to Atlanta, Georgia to serve in an urban area. However, this year we decided to serve a different type of community. Outlaw Ranch is a Lutheran camp out in western South Dakota that is [...]

New Worship and Music Director

On behalf of the Church Council and the Worship and Music Director Search Committee, we are delighted to be able to tell you that Katie Kohler has accepted our offer to become our new Worship and Music Director. Katie is a native of East Bethel, MN and currently lives in New Hope.  She has a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Flute Performance from the University of Minnesota.  She currently serves as [...]

Youth Summer Trips

    July is a busy month for our youth here at Light of Christ! Amidst weekly bonfires and other fellowship events, we are heading off on our Mission Trip and our High-Adventure Wilderness Trip! These trips are designed to bring our youth closer to God through service and experiences in creation, and for many, they prove to be the highlight of their summers!     A group of nine 9th-12th [...]

Staffing for Growth

    Two of the four major initiatives to come out of our New Day Campaign are to strengthen our worship and music ministry and our children, youth, and family ministry.  One of the ways in which we are strengthening these ministries is by growing our staff.  We have made the commitment to move to a full-time Worship and Music Director and to move toward two full-time Children, Youth, and Family [...]

Confirmation Lenten Service Projects

   As the school year comes to a close, so too does our year of Confirmation lessons. This past year, from September through May, our 7th - 9th grade students gathered every Wednesday night to learn more about prayer, the Bible, relationships, and how to live more like Jesus. However, during the Lenten season, the students took a break from regular scheduled lessons to partake in individual service [...]

A New Day for God's Beloved

Dear Sisters and Brothers of Light of Christ, It’s a new day at Light of Christ.  We’ve added new staff, launched a new confirmation ministry, welcomed dozens of new members, and introduced new worship services, songs, and celebrations. And this is just the beginning. It’s a new day for us because the world around us is changing.  I was ordained in 1984, the same year that Light of [...]